If there are three words which can strike fear into someone's heart, it's probably these: "pre-existing medical condition." Have one, and you might not get health insurance, or your next job. Despite federal laws prohibiting the use of "pre-existing" medical conditions as a bar to insurance coverage, problems still exist. Consider the plight of William Cowie, who applied for a manufacturing job at a Rockwell International plant in Centralia, Illinois, in 1993. He was tested for the "likelihood" of developing a repetitive stress injury, and was denied employment.
Today, these kinds of issues aren't uncommon, and in fact, cases involving such "pre-existing" conditions may likely increase in the future. One of the "side effects" of today's genetic testing and research is "predictive" testing that will suggest whether or not you are likely to suffer from a given disease, possibly years or decades from now. You may not have been aware of this; you might not have thought of it. But one test - just as Mr.Cowie experienced - and your world can be turned upside down.
Whatever we think of health insurance, HMOs and all of these complex issues, there's one thing that is clear. If you need help, and someone says you can't get it because of a pre-existing condition or that your insurance won't pick up the tab. Of course, you can always find some insurance companies who will cover pre-existing conditions, but you will have to pay an arm and a leg. That's not true acceptance.
The good news is that unlike the insurance companies, God’s Coverage is complete. No small print. No exclusions. No problems. It is coverage which means protection against all the known and the unknown risks and dangers. It is complete which means lacking nothing and it is free, no hidden costs and absolutely no waiting period but at the same time it is conditional. The second half of Psalm 91 talks about God’s in-depth coverage and what conditions an individual believer needs to meet in order to enjoy God’s Complete Coverage.
More than we care to admit, we are living in a world full of wars, famines, natural disasters, man made threats, and unexplainable diseases. In this unsafe world one wonders if there is a place where one could live in absolute security. Does a place like that exist?
I have good news, Yes there is one place which is absolutely safe and secure that is “the shelter of the Most High God” The Psalmist reemphasizes it in Psalm 91: 9-13, “ If you make the Most High your dwelling, even the LORD, who is my refuge, then no harm will befall you; no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.”
Whatever, God does is always complete and there is no half-heartedness in his intentions or scope. In the same way when it comes to covering his children God goes all the way and looks into minute details of their lives. These scriptures tell us a promise of God for his children which is his absolute protection. There is no doubt in my mind that God is able to protect me all of my life but does that automatically happen or is there a condition that I need to meet first?
There are many promises in God’s word and they are absolutely trust worthy as it says in 2 Cor 1:20; “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.” We evangelical Christians are infamous for throwing “Christian Clichés” at each other saying; “God will provide” “Don’t worry God will take care” “He is in control” Have faith in God He will heal,” “Trust in God”, my God will supply all your needs and so on.
There is absolutely nothing wrong in saying all that because they are indeed God’s promises but what we fail to recognize is that each promise precedes a condition. In the scripture we read; yes there will be no harm and plague come near the home of God’s children, of course God will commend his guarding angles to protect his people but when will that happen?
The Psalmist gives two conditions for God’s complete coverage Vs 9 “If we make the Most High our dwelling; and if we take the LORD as our strong shelter or refuge.” Please check past week’s sermon on what it is to live in the shelter of the Most High God.
The second condition is “if we love him and call upon him when we are in trouble.” Vs 14-16, “Because he loves me says the LORD, I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him. And show him my salvation.” Here we see the sevenfold promises of God but again as it is with any promises there are certain conditions we must meet first; what are they? “To Love God and call on His name.”
To “love the Lord,” often means biblically to obey the Lord. Deut 30:16, “For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the LORD your God will bless you..” Jesus made it very clear that loving Him means obeying his commands.
John 14:15, “If you love me, you will obey what I command.” When we love Christ by obeying his commands he promised to be with us even unto the end of the age. Deliverance comes to those who know the Lord’s majestic name. Knowing means understanding the totality of who the Lord is and what the Lord can do. When we call upon that powerful name of Christ he will answer us and deliver us from our troubles.
The Psalmist can attest to this in Psalm 34:6 “this poor man called; and the LORD heard him; he saves him out of all his troubles.” The twinning of human “call” and divine “answer” appears frequently in Scripture. I can not count how many times I cried out to the LORD in my despair and troubles and saw his deliverance in my life. As the old gospel song, “Trust and Obey,” picks up on some of these ideas. God goes so far as to honor those who are trusting and obedient. When you face troubles who do you look to? Who do you call out to for help?
When we talk about God’s promises let’s keep things in balance. There are at times though we meet all the conditions and do everything by the book we still go through hardships, un-explainable troubles and unbearable heartaches.
I may justify and say that God is allowing this hardship in my life to test me, to refine me and teach me valuable lessons. I may never fully understand why God allows troubles to come on our way, but one thing I know as the following Poem suggests: God never promised a life without pain, Laughter without tears Or sun without rain. But He did promise Strength for the day, Comfort for the tears and light for the way, And for all who believe In His Heaven above He rewards their faith In His everlasting love.”
The real promise of Psalm 91 is that in the midst of the dangers and oppositions of this world, God will not abandon his people. Faith in God does not guarantee a life of ease, but does receive the promise that God will “answer” his people and “be with them in trouble” (vv. 14-16). This may have been what Paul had in mind when, in the midst of his own suffering and imprisonment, he wrote that nothing, not even death, “will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:39). God’s love is the ultimate security!
Christian faith is not about taking the path of least resistance or, to use the MapQuest metaphor, the shortest distance between two points. It is not a sprint race but a marathon. While we are not guaranteed lives free of pain (indeed, are often quite the opposite), but we are guaranteed His presence in the midst of our crowded, noisy, dangerous and often-under-construction journey of life. When we make the Most High God as our shelter and learn to dwell in his presence then we live without fear, for God is with us no matter where we find ourselves.
While this provision is made available for every one, only His Children can fully experience it. The only way you can become a child of God is by repenting of your sins and asking Jesus to forgive your sins and come into your heart to make his dwelling in you. When you do that sincerely today as I said earlier there is no waiting period (unlike the insurance coverage) you can start experiencing God’s complete coverage not only for you but also for your family. Amen