Sunday, November 2, 2014


There once was a thriving little church in the country. Internal squabbles developed that tore the church apart. Attendance dwindled until the church died. It time a middle-class neighborhood grew up around the church. One day a newcomer, tired of looking at the run down church, started to paint & clean the old church. Some former members came by to watch. They sat in the old dusty pews and told stories about Sunday night hymn singing, or the pot luck dinners. Oddly, no one mentioned the squabbles.
They rolled up their sleeves, started to help clean up the old place. Leaders of the homeowners association laughed at the idea of a church in their community, but the old members persisted. Within weeks they resumed hymn singing and pot luck dinners. The church bells started to ring and the Songs of praise could be heard Sunday mornings and evenings. Folks in the neighborhood who had never attended the church began to come by. God saw it all and it was very good. Thankfully, that is not yet the case of our church, but if we are not careful what happened to that church could happen to our church too. However I have been sensing that the spiritual walls of our church have been broken down and we are trying to rebuild those walls.
Last week we learned how Nehemiah saw a similar scene when he returned to Jerusalem in 445 BC. Most of the city lay in ruin. The walls were broken and burned. He shared his God-given vision and the people responded. It all began, in the place of prayer. Nehemiah became an answer to his own prayer, not only that, he motivated an entire community to be part of the answer. Let’s continue from where we left and see how, a community of people rolled up their sleeves and rebuilt the broken walls of Jerusalem. It’s Time to Roll Up Our Sleeves!   Nehemiah 2:11-18
Upon hearing the devastating news of the destruction of Jerusalem, the place of his forefathers, Nehemiah mourned, fasted and prayed for several days to get a strategy on how to rebuild the broken down walls and the burnt down gates. He earnestly sought God’s favor. In the 2nd Chapter Vs 1-10 we see God’s favor by the way the King granted him letters to obtain safety throughout his journey as well as the needed material to rebuild the walls.  In Vs 11 we pick up the story: Nehemiah reaches Jerusalem after being there for three days, he gets up one night with a few men and examines the damage to the walls.
After the careful examination he comes before a group of officials, priests and the nobles and relates how desolate the city of Jerusalem has become been and how its gates were burned with fire. Then Vs 17-18, “Then I said to them, “You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been burned with fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace… They replied, “Let us start rebuilding.” So they began this good work.”  They said, “We’re with you. Let’s get started.” They rolled up their sleeves, ready for the good work.”  (The Message)                        
People roll up their sleeves for various reasons. Here are a few pictures of those who rolled up their sleeves. I am more impressed with a congregation who came together in times of crisis. Let me introduce them who stood undeterred in the midst of a natural calamity. Here is the photo of the congregation members gathering in front of the Carl Junction United Methodist Church in Carl Junction, Mo., on Aug. 7, hours after it was struck by lightning and burned. This is the second time the Carl Junction United Methodist Church has been destroyed. On May 4, 2003, a tornado wrecked the church as it tore through Missouri, ripping off the roof and destroying the interior.
After the 2003 devastation, one member said, “We all had one purpose in mind and one goal, which was to rebuild, to make the church stronger and better than it was before.” Lo and behold, the church was rebuilt and reopened in 2004, with a larger sanctuary and dedicated classrooms. Now, a decade later, the congregation must raise yet another church. Has the determination of the pastor and the congregation weaned? No way, this time, the church leaned on the rest of the community. The support has come quickly, as other religious organizations pulled together planned a prayer vigil for the congregation the day of the fire itself. One member said, “It’s going to be a start from scratch,” “But we can do it. We will do it.”[1]
This is just one example where a whole community came together to rebuild a burnt down church, literally from the ashes. By God’s grace we are not facing the same situation, however our problem has been the deterioration of spiritual health which is resulting in declining membership, and their participation in the life flow of our church. Six years ago we have launched a vision, “To build a diverse community that loves God and shares the gospel with people of all ethnic groups in Quincy and beyond.”
We felt that was the mandate of God for our church. How have we fared as a church since then? We have kept ourselves busy with ministries such as Sunday worship service; Kid’s church; Hospital visitation; Adult Bible Study; Wednesday Prayer meeting; Thursday Bible study; Media ministry; Missions; Hospitality and Community Friday Night. With all these ministries it seemed like our church was growing and thriving up until 2010, but since then we had one set back after another and we began to decline.  For a pastor that raises a red flag.
I sought the Lord for understanding in prayer. The Lord showed me that we have allowed certain factors to destroy the spiritual walls of our Church. So just like Nehemiah, along with the leadership of this Church we have been on a journey to assess the damage and strategically rebuild the spiritual walls of defense and protection. That’s why we have taken certain disciplinary actions, organized a Biblical Peace Making seminar, and formed a Church Health Team (introduce the team) which will be implementing a process, recommended by the Natural Church Development organization.
Having said that, no matter whatever the strategy that the leadership may have, that itself  cannot do much, unless the whole congregation rolls up their sleeves and join hands in doing the good work.  One preacher compared the New England churches to a football team where 22 players desperately needing rest, cheered by 70,000 fans desperately needing exercise.”
Thank God in our Church there have been a few people who tirelessly serve week after week, while others just don’t lift a hand I want you to ask this question, have I been a spectator, consumer, or an active participant in this church? If you are wondering what some ways that you might get involved, here are a few:  We need staff to revitalize our nursery, we need singers and musicians to strengthen our worship team. We need English teachers to team up with Leo in teaching English to the Chinese immigrants.
We need ushers, multimedia people, sound technicians, painters, and people to serve in the area of hospitality, people to set up and clean up after the coffee hour each Sunday and in other areas of service.
I believe learning lessons from the book of Nehemiah is a really important theme for us as a church at this junction.   Nehemiah is a great example in motivating a community of people in rebuilding the broken walls of Jerusalem. In spite of opposition Nehemiah, and all the people who said, “let’s roll up our sleeves and start rebuilding” finished the work in 52 days.
When we think of our Church, we need to be honest about where we are at, some of us have given so much to this church and you may have become discouraged and tired.  Others may have been attending our church for a while but haven’t yet gotten involved in serving.
I want to say to those who are feeling whether they belong here or not, there is a place for you to get involved, take the next step, and be part of the rebuilding of this community.  What do you think all the gathering and listening is for?  It is meant for you to grow in faith and Christian character so that you can put your hands to the good work of serving the Lord.
Can you imagine what this church would be like if we could all receive each other as dearly loved ones, and we are!!  What would we grow to be like if we could value and affirm the gifts in each other?  What if we could learn that it’s not all about me and my opinion but about the greater good, what if we could lay aside our annoyances and work together?
I am thinking of such an opportunity with the Christmas season coming up. What do you think?  Can we work together to celebrate Christmas in a way that brings us together as a Body?  Can we work together to touch lives with the love of God? I would love to see some of you who have started attending more recently, you have amazing gifts and experiences that you need to start using to build up this church!   You know what; I really think that a lot of growth takes place when we start interacting at the level of serving together. So is it about time that you roll up your sleeves and put your hands to the good work of God in this church. Amen
