Sunday, June 11, 2023


                                        GOOD NEWS TO ALL NATIONS

One of our core values at Hope Church is that we are Outreach-Targeted. “We believe all people are made in God’s image and are precious to God. Through creative and intentional efforts, members of HOPE CHURCH seek to build bridges with people outside the church. The fellowship extends the hope and love found only in a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We recognize that much of the Scripture portrays God’s passion for the poor and needy and endeavors to have our desires in line with His.”

What is God’s desire? How can you and I be involved in fulfilling God’s desire? “God desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.” I Timothy 2:4 (NKJV). God wants even “the wicked people to turn from their wicked ways and live.” (Ezekiel 18:23). How would He accomplish His desire? It is through you and me, His Church.

Hope Church is committed to local and global Missions because it is the heart of God. God longs for all people to get to know Him. Missions is a command from God. He commanded all Christians(the followers of Christ) to share the Good News To All Nations. Mark 16:9-16

Before discussing what and why the Good News is, we must discuss the bad news. From the first man Adam, in the Garden of Eden, all humanity has sinned against God. We have rebelled against God and walked away from him to satisfy our desires.

The scriptures tell us the wages of sin is death. That is why no matter who you are, we all will die and are destined to go to hell for eternity. That is the bad news. The good news is God, in His love and mercy, sent Jesus into the world, who became the substitution for our sins. He died and rose again on the third day. By doing so, He paid the penalty for our sins through His blood.

Whoever now believes in Him, by repenting of their sins, though they may die, will be resurrected at the end of the age to live with Jesus in heaven forever. That is the good news that we must let everyone in the world know so that they, too, can avoid hell and go to heaven.

I. Good News To All Nations.

The New Testament contains four gospels: Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John. Why are they called gospels? The English noun gospel comes from the Anglo-Saxon term Godspell, meaning “glad tidings.” It is translated from the Greek evangelion, which means “good message.” Originally, the word was related to news of military triumph. But when the New Testament was recorded, its writers assigned the term gospel to the “good news” of salvation in Jesus Christ.

The four gospels are good news because they contain the exceedingly wonderful message of God’s redemption of sinful humanity through the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. At the time of Jesus’ birth, the angel proclaimed, “ I bring you good news or glad tidings that will bring great joy to all people. The Savior, yes, the Messiah, the Lord, has been born today in Bethlehem.” Luke 2:10-11.

On his eighth as per the Jewish tradition, Jesus was taken to the temple to be dedicated. There was an old saint of God named Simeon who had been waiting for the Messiah to come into the world, defeat the evil one, and set people free from their bondage to sin and death.

Upon taking baby Jesus into his arms, Simeon prophesied Luke 2:29-32, “Sovereign Lord, now let your servant die in peace, as you have promised. I have seen your salvation, which you have prepared for all people. He is a light to reveal God to the nations, and he is the glory of your people Israel!” Jesus, the light of the world, will show God to all the nations (all people).

Jesus accomplished the Mission of God by seeking and saving the lost souls. After He rose from the dead, he met his eleven disciples and commanded them, saying, Mark 16:15-16, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.

Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned.” The disciples preached the Good News everywhere they went. Now, that mission has been passed on to us.

God loves all people regardless of culture, gender, religion, and nationality. How would people come to believe in Jesus and get saved unless we share the Good News with them? Romans 10:13-14 (Living Bible) “Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved, but who can ask Him to save them unless they believe in Him and how can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him and how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them.”

Hope Church is committed to praying and supporting those who are preaching the Good News to all nations (all people groups) that have not heard the Gospel. Missiologists say that, of the approximately 8 billion people on planet Earth, about 3.2 billion are considered unreached or least reached. More than 7,000 people groups are classified as unreached.

If you follow Christ, you have no excuse not to share. You are automatically enlisted in the Mission of God. We pray, and as and when God calls and leads, we go to share the Good News with people living in the 10/40 window or coming from that region.

The 10/40 Window is located from 10 degrees south to 40 degrees north of the equator. There are 69 nations across northern Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia in the 10/40 Window. Nearly 4 billion people live here, including 90 percent of the world’s poorest of the poor. It is estimated that 1.6 billion of these people have never had the chance to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ – not even once! The seat of every major non-Christian religion – Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Animism, Atheism, and Sikhism – is headquartered in the 10/40 Window. Two-thirds of the world’s population (4 billion) live in the 68 nations of the 10/40 Window.

God is bringing people from around the world to the USA. They live in our neighborhoods. It is our call as Christians, the followers of Christ, to open our hearts to strangers who look different and may not speak our language and share the Good News of the Gospel. I pray that at Hope Church, we will be passionate about sharing the Good News to all Nations.